

2015 Performance Excellence Award Deadlines Announced

Is your organization interested in using a proven Framework to identify and prioritize its improvement opportunities? Would your workforce engagement increase from providing input into your organization’s future? Would your organization benefit from public recognition of your improvement efforts and your performance outcomes? […]

February 25, 2015|

Learn What Drives Organizational Excellence: Become a 2015 Performance Excellence Award Evaluator

Are you interested in learning more about what makes organizations successful?  Are you interested in helping other organizations — such as schools, hospitals, non-profits, and businesses — around the three-state region improve their performance?  Would you be interested in networking, learning, and sharing with others who feel the same way? […]

February 25, 2015|

14 New Year’s Resolutions for Personal Productivity, Health, Happiness

Research shows that up to 80% of New Year’s resolutions are broken, and that the average date of breaking resolutions is about January 20 (so much of us failed about a week ago!).  But if you want a second chance, here are 14 research-based New Year’s resolutions for you to try – tips for improving[...]

January 26, 2015|

CliffsNotes to Excellence: 50 Year-End Tips to Improve Leadership, Organizational Performance

It’s a busy season – shopping, wrapping, decorating, holiday gatherings, baking (well, for some people!), as well as year-end business deadlines, planning and budgeting for next year. So in the spirit of the season – and recognizing that everyone is just a little busier in December – I’m offering a short, reflective column this month:[...]

December 17, 2014|

Leadership’s Role in Sustaining Excellence

Last week, I was honored to participate in ASQ MN Section’s Executive Roundtable, exploring the role of leaders in creating a culture of quality.  The day-long forum investigated the links between employee engagement, customer focus, measurement and overall enterprise excellence.  Over lunch, I was asked to talk about the role of leaders in creating a[...]

November 19, 2014|

The Principles of Performance Excellence: Baldrige 101-201 Workshops

Feb 10 (Rochester) and Feb 11 (Twin Cities) 8:00 am – 5:00 pm The need to improve your organization’s performance has perhaps never been greater. This “new normal” we’ve been enjoying the last few years has created a renewed need for improvement and systemic change within all organizations: customers expect more, competent workers are growing scarce, and[...]

November 19, 2014|

Perfect Vision: The Power of Leading Indicators

As I finish this article, the Kansas City Royals (my childhood team) will have either just won its first World Series in nearly three decades or come very close in trying. In watching a game a couple of weeks earlier in the playoffs, I was listening to the commentators debating whether KC should leave in[...]

October 28, 2014|

Sept 2014 Newsletter

Last week, the NFL completed what might be the worst week in its history. But before I get into it, let me first state this column is not about Ray Rice or Adrian Peterson; it is not about the NFL or sports of any kind; and it is not about morality (though I'll admit morality has an important role here). It's about effective leadership and ethical decision making during times of crisis, two concepts that are critical for ANY organization - and two concepts the NFL blew badly...

September 29, 2014|Tags: , , , , , , , , |
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