Solving Your Communication, Collaboration, and Accountability Challenges — Aug 22 PEN Webinar

In today's tight job market and highly collaborative world, organizations must look for every alternative to help their employees work smarter: we must increase capacity and help our teams (and ourselves!) work smarter so they are not bored or overburdened and they maximize personal productivity. But regardless of what size or type organization you're in: [...]

2024-07-24T08:33:46-05:00July 17, 2024|

The LEGO Game: Reducing Waste & Increasing Productivity — April 18 IN-PERSON Pre-Conference Workshop

As we emerge from COVID (but navigate continuing staffing challenges and possible economic headwinds), organizations are increasingly focused on improving productivity, eliminating waste, and increasing efficiency. The Performance Excellence Network -- in partnership with the Wisconsin Center for Performance Excellence and the Iowa Quality Center — is pleased to announce a powerful workshop: The LEGO Game: Reducing Waste & [...]

2024-02-18T11:29:38-06:00February 17, 2024|

Create a Culture of Productivity, Starting at the Top! — April 18 IN-PERSON Pre-Conference Workshop

Create a culture of productivity that eliminates unnecessary interruptions, emails, and non-essential work! Get everyone in your company focused on their most important priorities and stop the highly reactionary behavior that has become the norm in business today. Since productivity and employee engagement are tightly linked, this is a win-win for the organization and your [...]

2024-02-17T11:25:53-06:00February 17, 2024|

14 New Year’s Resolutions for Professional & Personal Productivity, Health, Happiness — Jan 2024

As we start a new year, many of us set personal, professional, and organizational goals.  But research shows that up to 80% of New Year’s resolutions are broken, and that the average date of breaking resolutions is about January 20 (that’s why the gym is so crowded the first two or three weeks in January [...]

2024-02-29T07:46:31-06:00January 24, 2024|

Overwork, Underperform: Why More Hours Leads to Less Productivity — PEN Dec 2018

People are overworked.  Maybe it’s because we reset after the last recession and are all asked to do more with less.  Maybe it’s because 10,000 Baby Boomers are retiring EVERY Day, forcing all of us to do more with less.  Maybe it’s because wages really haven’t kept up with inflation the last 30-40 years, forcing [...]

2018-12-18T16:24:04-06:00December 18, 2018|

A Meeting of the Minds: Why So Many Meetings are a Waste of Time & Money – PEN September 2017

If you haven’t seen this video before (or even if you have), it’s worth 3.5 minutes.  It’s extremely funny and it illustrates the point that conference calls (really all meetings) can be terribly inefficient, unproductive, and expensive.   Think about it.  How many meetings (or conference calls or videoconferences) have you participated in recently that [...]

2017-09-25T23:46:57-05:00September 25, 2017|

14 New Year’s Resolutions for Professional & Personal Productivity, Health, Happiness

As 2016 winds down and we turn our sights to 2017, many of us will begin setting personal, professional, and organizational goals.  But research shows that up to 80% of New Year’s resolutions are broken, and that the average date of breaking resolutions is about January 20 (that’s why the gym is so crowded the [...]

2016-12-22T14:00:22-06:00December 22, 2016|
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