Yes, and…: The Art of Collaboration, Creativity & Leadership — Aug 20 IN-PERSON Workshop

Yes, the art of improv is fun. And it can help business & organizational leaders hone invaluable skills. Improv trains us to be deep listeners, to collaborate in real time, to think on our feet, and to trust our gut. The Performance Excellence Network is pleased to announce a unique & powerful workshop: Yes, and...: [...]

2024-06-03T09:59:18-05:00April 29, 2024|

The Strategic Playground: Cultivating and Sustaining a Strategic Mindset — April 18 IN-PERSON Pre-Conference Workshop

The last several years have forced many (most?) organizations into reactive mode: with a constantly shifting environment, organizations are forced to adapt, respond, react.  But constantly reacting is inefficient: it doesn’t allow an organization to thoughtfully plan, deploy resources on more strategic opportunities, and it creates waste as well as stress for the workforce.  As [...]

2024-02-19T08:19:34-06:00February 17, 2024|

Polarity Thinking: Finding the Balance in Everything — Oct 2023

Life is about paradoxes: sickness versus health; richer versus poorer; hot versus cold; better versus worse; happy versus sad.  The same is true in our organizations: success versus failure; growth versus contraction; centralization versus decentralization; efficiency versus innovation.  The truth, of course, is that these poles are not binary -- they’re all on a continuum, [...]

2023-10-23T13:13:03-05:00October 23, 2023|

Unleashing the Strategic Mindset: Building More Proactive and Responsive Teams — Oct 19 PEN Webinar

The last several years have forced many (most?) organizations into reactive mode: with a constantly shifting environment, organizations are forced to adapt, respond, react.  But constantly reacting is inefficient: it doesn’t allow an organization to thoughtfully plan, deploy resources on more strategic opportunities, and it creates waste as well as stress for the workforce.  As [...]

2023-09-20T09:45:01-05:00September 20, 2023|
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