In many ways, what’s required for organizational excellence these days has changed: there are new work environments (such as hybrid), severe talent shortages, emerging technologies (like artificial intelligence). But in other ways, nothing has changed: we still need to satisfy our customers; we still need to engage our teams; and we still need to improve & innovate our processes, operations, and products/services. It’s a little of “the more things change, the more they stay the same” meets “same as it ever was.”
The Performance Excellence Network — in partnership with the Wisconsin Center for Performance Excellence and the Iowa Quality Center — is pleased to host an online webinar discussion on Thursday, March 7: “Insights from igniteEX: A Prequel.” (Another thing that’s changed is PEN’s annual conference, formerly PENworks is now igniteEX — same powerful content; same powerful networking; just a new name! — same as it ever was!). The discussion will feature several “mini-sessions” from our upcoming igniteEX 2024 Conference, each offering one or two ways to immediately improve your organization’ (or team’s) performance.
Each speaker will have 10 minutes – like a “TEDtalk” – to share a method, tool, or best practice that has helped their organization navigate challenging times and still improve performance. We’ll hear from four organizations – a business, a health system, a K12 school district, and a county — each previewing something they will share in greater detail at the conference:
- Michelle Nelson of St. Louis County on employee wellness
- Kathy Pykkonen of Jet Aviation on customer engagement
- Matt Redlon of Mayo Clinic on artificial intelligence
- Denise Wood of Urbandale (IA) Schools on continuous improvement in education
You will leave with at least four actionable insights that you can begin to use immediately to improve performance during these ever-changing times. And you’ll also get a sneak preview of four (of the 20+) case studies featured at igniteEX 2024. The conference is April 19, with a “soft start” (opening session, reception, Awards) April 18 and four pre-conference workshops. Early bird ends March 15; more information here.
This session is Thursday, March 7 from 8:00-9:00 CT (optional speed networking and mingling 7:45-8:00), using Zoom MEETING. members; $20 for non-members.
Can’t make it live but interested in the content? Register anyway: all registered attendees get a link to the recording after the session.