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The Baldrige community has something that no other leadership community has: established, proven leaders who have national role-model organizations to become honored performance excellence and results-driven, Baldrige Award recipients.  But what is it about them that separates those leaders from most other leaders?  What predictive analytics can we use to “know them when we see them” (or — better yet — to learn from and emulate them)?

The Performance Excellence Network — in partnership with the Wisconsin Center for Performance Excellence and the Iowa Quality Center and in cooperation with the Lake Superior Chapter of the Association of Talent Development and the Greater Rochester NY Quality Council — is pleased to host an online webinar discussion on Thursday, January 23: “The Best Leaders are Yet to Come: Who are They and How Will We Know When We See Them?”.  The discussion will be facilitated by Dr. Kenneth Cohen, founder/CEO of The Synergy Organization.

In this discussion, Dr. Cohen will share the results of his evidence-based national research that reveals the unique leadership characteristics of CEOs and Presidents whose organizations have received the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award.  Come explore what the best of the best leaders are doing to lead their organizations — insights we all can use to improve our own leadership effectiveness.

This session is Thursday, Jan 23 from 8:00-9:00 CT (optional networking and mingling 7:45-8:00) using Zoom MEETING. Grab your coffee and breakfast, and join us for a rich discussion. Free for PEN/WCPE members; $20 for non-members.

Can’t make it live but interested in the content? Register anyway: all registered attendees get a link to the recording after the session!


Kenneth R. Cohen, PhD is Founder/CEO of The Synergy Organization, the country’s first Evidence-Based Executive Assessments and Executive Search® firm he established in 1989.  Dr. Cohen integrates his experiences as an Organizational Psychologist with validated psychological testing, Baldrige Performance Excellence Program standards, and Leadership Best Practices research findings.  He also created the proprietary Synergy Screening System® to help progressive organizations make consistently accurate and effective decisions in their Selection, Development, Retention and Succession Planning.

Dr. Cohen is honored to serve as the Founding Sponsor of the prestigious Harry S. Hertz Leadership Award in close collaboration with the Baldrige Foundation.   He also served as a Board Member for the regional Mid-Atlantic Alliance for Performance Excellence (MAAPE). Over the last 36 years, he has published and presented extensively to national, state and regional organizations including the ACHE, AHA, ASHHRA, and SHRM.  He has taught at both the graduate and undergraduate level, published over 30 professional journals, publications, and book chapters, been interviewed by “The Wall Street Journal”, and in 2025, will be publishing his book about his firm’s innovative research and predictive analytics research with Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award Recipient CEOs and Presidents.

Dr. Cohen earned his Masters and PhD as a Psychologist at Temple University.  He graduated from Dickinson College with a Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology.  Reach him at [email protected] or visit www.SynergyOrg.com.

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