Calendar of Events

The Principles of Excellence: Baldrige 101 — Feb 25 & Mar 4 ONLINE Workshop

Today, organizations continue to experience challenges like never before: staffing shortages, inflationary pressure & economic uncertainty, managing a virtual/hybrid workforce, navigating supply chain issues, and managing through accelerating change are but a few of the many challenges facing today’s leaders.  But – with the complexity of organizations – where does one start? How do you [...]

Reducing Stress; Preventing Burnout; Improving Performance — Apr 10 IN PERSON Workshop

Mystic Lake 2400 Mystic Lake Blvd NW, Prior Lake, MN, United States

A recent Gallup study reveals that U.S. workers are among the most stressed in the world: 83% of U.S. workers suffer from work-related stress. When stress is not proactively managed, there is a cost to your well-being, but also to your organization. Medical research estimates that 90% of all illness and disease is stress related. [...]

Getting Started with Baldrige — Apr 10 IN PERSON Workshop

Today, organizations continue to experience challenges like never before: staffing shortages, inflationary pressure & economic uncertainty, managing a virtual/hybrid workforce, navigating supply chain issues, and managing through accelerating change are but a few of the many challenges facing today’s leaders.  But – with the complexity of organizations – where does one start? How do you [...]

Continuing the Journey to Excellence: Advanced Baldrige Techniques — Apr 10 IN PERSON Workshop

High performing organizations are focused on learning -- learning new and innovative ways of accomplishing tasks and adding value; exploring and learning how to improve processes; personal learning and development of their leaders and teams; learning best practices and benchmarking new approaches from other organizations.  After all, organizational learning is a Baldrige Core Value, and [...]

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