Dear Cool Cat,
Get ready to put on the Ritz and mark your calendars! The 2024 Baldrige Fall Conference is just around the corner, and it will be the cat’s pajamas. The 2024 Baldrige Fall Conference will feature two separate conference events, and one full day of pre-conference workshops:
- October 28-29 Communities of Excellence 2026 Conference
- October 29-30 Baldrige Fall Conference
Both are at the luxurious Biltmore Hotel in Coral Gables FL.
Prepare to be dazzled as we bring together the best and brightest in the biz for a few days of inspiration, innovation, and downright fun. Inspiring keynotes; engaging sessions; hands on workshops on AI, supply chain, leadership, resilience, inclusion. Learn, network, improve! Don’t miss it!
Conference hosted by the Alliance for Performance Excellence (in which the Performance Excellence Network, is a member).